Call for Papers
Main Theme
Social Sciences and Humanities in the New Millennium: Challenges and Prospects
Proposed Themes
- Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in the Contemporary World
- Ethical Issues in Humanities and Social Sciences- Theories and Practices
- Social Transformation and Quest for Identity
- Social Media, Identity Crisis and Interpersonal Relationships
- Media, Globalization and Popular Culture
- Cyberspace and Media: Alternative Channels of Communication
- Gender, Education and Socio-economic Development
- Role of Civil Society in Social Welfare and Community Development
- Socio-cultural Aspects of Bullying and Victimization
- Emerging Issues in Adolescence and Personality Development
- Peace, Conflict and Violence
- Emerging Trends in Language, Communication and Mass Media
- Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in the Growing World
- World Literature and Translation Studies: Challenges and Prospects
- Religion and the Challenges of New Millennium
- Challenges of National Security and Integration in Pakistan
- CPEC as a Game Changer
- Any other research study from the disciplines of Language and Literature, Sociology,
Psychology, Mass Communication, History, Pakistan Studies, Arts and Culture
Review Criteria
- Relevance with the proposed themes
- Conceptual clarity
- Methodological soundness
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Guidelines for Abstract Submission (Individual Presentations, Poster Presentations &
An abstract should be of 200 to 250 words with 4-5 keywords (Title of Paper: Font size =14,
Capital & Bold, Times New Roman; Text = 12, Times New Roman; Margins: Top, bottom, left
& right = 1 inch each). The details of the author or the presenter should also be provided in the
form of a cover letter containing the following information:
- Presenter’s/ Author’s name
- Institution’s name
- Email ID
- Preferred presentation format
- Presentation title
- Departmental affiliation
Note: Please email your abstracts at:
Guidelines for Submission of Power Point Presentation (Oral)
- Clear and concise Language.
- Light background and design of PPTs to clearly highlight the content.
- Times New Roman/Arial Font.
- PPTs to include Rationale, Objectives, Hypotheses, Method(s) and Results of the Study.
Note: 8-10 minutes will be provided for each presentation followed by a short question & answer session.
The details of the author or the presenter should also be provided in the form of a cover letter
containing the following information:
- Presenter’s/ Author’s name
- Institution’s name
- Email ID
- Preferred presentation format
- Presentation title
- Departmental affiliation
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
- Label indicating (a) title of paper and (b) the author(s)’ name(s) at the top of the poster.
- A copy of abstract (250 words), in large typescript, to be pasted in the upper left-hand corner of the poster board along with the names of the author(s) and institutional affiliation.
- Poster clearly indicating the sections: Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Tables & Figures and Conclusions.
- Poster dimensions: Height: 200 cm, Width: 90 cm.
- Draft posters to be submitted at least 7 days before the conference to the Poster Organizing Team to avoid any inconvenience.
Note: Please email at:
Presenters have to be present with their posters at the designated time. Poster will be displayed at the conference venue.