Symposium is organized around a theme, issue or debate. Since the main goal of the conference
is to discuss and debate conceptual and theoretical problems, submission of symposium is
encouraged. In Symposium, a scientific session will be held where articles around the given
theme will be presented by one group and will be invited by a lead person who will be proposing
symposium. Format includes four to five paper presentations; each paper is 8-10 minutes
followed by comments plus 10 minutes of general questions and/or discussion. Total allocated
time is one hour.
Guidelines for submitting Proposals for symposium
Proposals for symposia in either format require an overall abstract (maximum 250 words) and
title (as well as an abstract 250 words for each presentation (except the discussant). A cover
letter with the organizer(s) name, institution, email address, and symposium title as well as name,
institution, and email address for the discussant/presenters and presentation title are required for
each presenter.